Viewing a Wedge

The candidate viewing portal is where you will go to view your video interviews.

The focus of this page is obviously the video interview, but it has a few helpful tools as well!

Candidate Information

The page shows you the candidate's name and picture so that you don't have to refer back to the previous page to remember which candidate you are viewing. You can copy candidate info to your clipboard to paste it where you need it!

Share Interview Link

If you'd like to share a link to a video interview with a co-worker click the Share button. Clicking this button will generate and copy a unique link that you can paste into an email or elsewhere.

Actions Dropdown

Viewed/New Status

The same orange tag that lives in the Wedges Table also lives at the top with the candidate information (if the Wedge has yet to be viewed). To mark a Wedge viewed, click on the orange Mark Viewed button in the Actions dropdown.

If you accidentally click that button without viewing the video, don't fret! You can just click it again and it will mark the video unviewed.


If you'd like to store Candidate Interviews on your own, you can download Wedges and store them on your own servers.

If you don't see the download link in the Actions drop-down, contact to turn on download access!

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