HiringThing Integration

When inside your HiringThing admin page click the menu button in the upper right corner and then select "Account Details".

While in the Account Details page scroll down to the "Integrate" section and click on the "Partner Marketplace".

From the "Assessment Providers" drop-down choose the "Wedge Option".

In a new tab navigate to your WedgeHR account and in the Integrations area under Settings click the "Connect Integration" button.

This action will then provider you with an Integration Token that you can copy to your clipboard by clicking the "Copy" button to the right of the text area.

Go back to your HiringThing tab and enter "Wedge-Integration" in the "Username" field and then paste your Integration Token into the "Password" field and then click "Submit".

You should now see "Wedge" show up in the "Connected Assessment Providers" list. If you now navigate back to your WedgeHR tab you should see that the row in the table no longer says "Integration has not been connected yet" and now says "HiringThing" in the provider cell, and will show an "Unlinked" notice on the right.

The last step is to reach out to the Wedge Support team and let them know that you need your HiringThing integration linked and they should be able approve the link and get you on your way.

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