Invite Templates

How to use Invite Templates to send your candidates save new invite emails!

With Invite Templates, you can create and save invite emails to send to Candidates.

Setting up your Invite Templates

To enable Invite Templates, navigate to your Settings page, click on the Invite Templates tab, and click on the Enable Invite Templates button. After enabling templates, you'll see a list of all of the templates in your account, if you've never used this feature before, there will only be one called "Built-in Wedge Invite".

💡 Anybody can navigate to the “Invite Templates” section, but only Admins and Owners can enable and disable the feature.

đź’ˇ After you enable templates, you can always disable templates on the same page.

Creating a template

To create your first template, click the Create Template button in the top right of the page. This will open up a new page with several text fields to enter your template content.

Enter a name for the template (this will not be seen by candidates), followed by the email subject and body.

đź’ˇ Don't worry about adding a Wedge Invite Link to your email, as one will be added to the end of the email for you when it is sent.

Using Variables

You can see above the name field there are two buttons labeled "Company Name" and "Interview Name", clicking on either of these buttons will copy text to your clipboard that when pasted into the Subject or Body field will be swapped out with your actual Company and Interview Name when the email is sent.

Selecting a template as the default

To actually send one of the beautiful templates that you just created, you will need to mark it as the Default. To do this, simply toggle the "Use as Default" switch to the on position.

Note: the default template is the invite email that will be sent to all Candidates for all Interviews.

Editing a template

You can edit a template at any time. Say you want to change what it says, or switch which template is the default, just click on the template, make your edits and click save!

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